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Sports Today


One of the existing Founding Sports, Tennis, became popular in the late 1960's. Mr Greg Bell was the original user of the Cowells Lane Tennis Courts where he was a full-time coach (1969-1972). Ermington United Sports and Recreation Club had the use of these courts for a period of about 11 years, before the lease with Parramatta City Council was signed in August,  1985, for a period of 20 years.

Cowells Lane courts were built by Parramatta City Council and Ermington United Sports and Recreation Club now manages the lease.

Over the years Ermington United Sports and Recreation Club have had teams entered in night competitions, Saturday morning and afternoon comps for both boys and girls, but at present, Ermington United Sports and Recreation Club does not have any competitive teams currently, however it does hire out the four (4) synthetic courts at the Cowells Lane Tennis Complex to any aspiring tennis players.



Faye Multon, Mrs Nash, Mrs Gaunt, Mrs Shorter and  Barbara Howe well all active in the organising of Basketball/Netball. Ermington United Sports and Recreation Club affiliated with Eastwood/Ryde Netball Association (ERNA) for the first time in 1967. Original games for Basketball/Netball were played at George Kendall (Gregory St end). Eastwood/Ryde Netball used George Kendall for their Saturday competitions until 1980, when courts were completed at Meadowbank Park and Brush Farm Park. Basketball (Women's) officially changed name in 1972 to "Netball" throughout Australia. In the early 1970's teams increased to thirteen and kept increasing up until the late 1980's.


Dwindling numbers over the last decade have resulted in our fielding of only one senior ladies and one junior girls side in 2008. Both these teams have been enormously successful over the last couple of seasons and a resurgence of interest has resulted in programs being implemented to increase our teams, particularly junior sides within the local schools.




Soccer, currently Ermington United Sports and Recreation Club's strongest sport, survived some "sketchy" beginnings. 

Our original affiliation with Gladesville/Hornsby commenced in February 1965 and continued until a border dispute erupted between Gladesville and Granville, both associations claiming Ermington should align with them. After some very heated local debate and legal proceedings a decision was made in June 1967 to align with Granville.

Lighting was installed at George Kendall in June 1970 allowing for evening training sessions.

Prior to 1969, records were inaccurate or difficult to resource. Soccer was originally played at Cowells Lane whilst George Kendall was being up-graded. Records show 7 teams playing in the Granville Association in 1969 and while this number has fluctuated over the years.


The way we play the game is acknowledged by our previous successes with Ermington United Sports and Recreation Club soccer division achieving the Granville Association Club of the Year award in 2000, 2004 and again in 2007!



Ermington United Sports & Recreation Club Inc

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